Tuesday 26 November 2013

Experimental Photography Peugeot Pinhole Camera plan

So for my main idea for the experimental photography brief I am going to attempt to turn my Peugeot 206 in to a large format pinhole camera.

To warrant having used my car when any pinhole camera would have been fine, I am going to use large paper stock of 20X24 inches or slightly smaller 20X16 in paper..

After using a pinhole calculator I got the following results.

I estimated my focal length at 700mm, but the calculator shows that the optimal focal length would be 562mm with a pinhole diameter of 1.12 mm. This is where my paper would need to be for the sharpest image. My aperture would be f/501.

The estimated exposure time will be different as it is unlikely I will be shooting on a 'sunny' day and the exposure time doesn't account for reciprocity failure, so I will have to test this myself.

Using the data given by the calculator, I have created a basic CAD diagram of the set up.

I will be taking my photographs in landscape orientation as the height of the car interior does not allow for portrait orientation.
Therefore the 'height' of the paper is roughly 510mm (about 20 inches), and the 'width' is roughly 610mm (about 24 inches). The angle of view was calculated at 59.5 degrees. The height of the paper will capture 48.8 degrees, and the width of the paper will capture 57.2 degrees.
The floor will not be visible until roughly 2.6 meters away from the car.
The outer circle represents the diagonal diameter of the paper, the inner circle represents the image diameter at the focal plane.

I have drawn a diagram of how the light will fall on the paper:

The blue circle is the diameter of the paper (795mm) the yellow circle is the image diameter (625mm) at the optimal focal length (562mm). The white rectangle is the 20x24 paper, and the dark grey area is where light will hit the paper. The resulting photo could look something like this:

sample image: http://www.flickr.com/photos/balboulloude/10269743934/in/faves-98664986@N03/

I am going to use black out fabric to block out the light, this will be attached to the outside of the car using strong magnets, once all the windows are covered I will climb in, I will have an assistant to finish off the magnets after the door is closed, and the cover the whole car with car cover. This will cover any parts I may have missed and also keep all the black out fabric secure.

I had to step down and use 20X16 in paper and college don't have developing trays large enough, and so the image circle now fully covers the paper.

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